The Final Knowledge (80)

Chapter Six


(Web page 25/51)
(Book page 481~482)

When I said that, the power to open her mouth and force her to laugh worked again. However, it could not open her mouth.
It was not over yet, but the path was made. In the sense of the spiritual world, she has completely been healed. In the world of human sense, which was the duplicate world of the spiritual world, there would still be time-lag for a while. However, looking at my companion’s sleeping face on that day, I had peace of mind.
I thought again that the reconstruction meant to have been done this much far. I wondered how my companion, whose brain circuit was recreated for a totally different purpose outside her consciousness, would recover. I wondered when she was going to become conscious of seeing what she saw and hearing what she heard, and keep thinking based on that information to make it possible to reconstruct her microcosm which was herself. I wondered if her mitama (spirit) that had been shut up in the small dark room since she was three years old was going to properly function as the center of herself. Still, the Earth made extraordinary preparations.
It was miraculous that I was sure nobody would die or go mad in this shin-gyo (god-work). I realized that a miracle was the very state of my consciousness that never wavered no matter what happened. Looking at my companion who was given a rest for a while and sleeping in front of me, I thought that what happened to her then was also a miracle. However, what seemed to be a miracle was not a miracle at all. The rule or the promise in the spiritual world has only been fulfilled.
