The Final Knowledge (204)

Chapter Two
【The Mad Land】

(Web page 11/58, p52)
(Book page 137~139)


When my companion wrote down uta (verse) from “Amatsutsuki” on February 11th (14), “So re to na ri mi tsu ki hi tsu ki no na na to na ri”, she sent my question to “Amatsutsuki”. Then, I got the answer that it is a new god, July. Fumitsuki. Seven ne by July. I understood so. For doing that, I realized where I should go. This time, I would not do anything. I just go there and wait. There is a concept of new god in shin-kai (the god world). In the human history, this concept is seen in the story of Akhenaten, who started the religious reformation as Aten, or the disk of the sun, is henotheistic, and failed in Egypt. An old god fails and a new god begins. This reformation created new expressions called Amarna art-style and became the best-known Egyptian culture after the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb. It is known that Akhenaten became Pharaoh in 1369 B.C..
Aten could represent the concept of new god for the first time in human history. It could be said that the concept of henotheism started at this time. Those concepts cannot come out of human consciousness that believes the history of yesterday will continue tomorrow. That was divine possession. And, Aten decided that deiteis of the Earth failed. From where and why did the god, who appeared suddenly, come? Egyptian religion has not left any teachings so that nothing can be known in human knowledge. We know the names and roles of the deities but nothing further. That is the same as Japanese deities.

When I decided the date to see them, the communication with uta (verse) started again.

To Mr. Seki Tetsuo, the companion Uta (verse) on February 12th (26)
To mo he sa ki yu ka shi ki shi na mu ko shi ku ki ha
na mu no o n mi no tsu re ko ki mu
ma mu no o ya shi ro mi hi ra ki te
ku ru ra chi ko chi no to mo he no sa ku ra

To Mr. Seki Tetsuo Uta (verse) on February 12th (27)
Shi mu to shi mu ma mi mu su hi no mi ya mu su hi ta ru
u i shi hi ka re shi ki me shi ka mu
sa n sa n i ha shi mu ka mu na hi no
hi ki te ko ra chi no ka mu ki shi a hi shi
a ka ko tsu re ta ri hi ki shi ma mu
